- Alzheimer’s Associationwww.alz.org
- National Council of Disabilitywww.ncd.gov
- Home Care Association of Americawww.hcaoa.org
- Centers for Disease Control and Preventionwww.cdc.gov
- National Institute on Agingwww.nia.nih.gov
- The AGS Foundation for Health in Agingwww.healthinaging.org
- American Public Health Associationwww.apha.org
- American Health Care Associationwww.ahcancal.org
- American Society on Agingwww.asaging.org
- Texas Department of Health and Human Serviceswww.hhs.texas.gov
- Autism Society Of Americawww.autismsociety.org
- Asperger/Autism Networkwww.aane.org